School Information
Jamestown Information:
Attendance Line: 703-228-5277
Front Office: 703-228-5275
Location and Pick Up / Drop Off Details
Jamestown Elementary School
3700 N. Delaware St.
Arlington, VA 22207
United States
From the intersection of N. Glebe Road and Lee Highway, go North on Glebe past the intersection of Glebe and Williamsburg Boulevard. Turn left onto Albemarle Street, then left again on Delaware Street. Jamestown Elementary School is on the right.
Front Loop
The front loop is reserved for buses between 8:40 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. for student arrivals and 3:30 p.m.- 3:55 p.m. for student departures. Otherwise, you are free to pull in to drop off or pick up your child. There are 4 parking spaces around the front loop: two handicapped spaces and two 15-minute visitor parking spots.
Morning Drop-Off Procedure
In the morning, during bus times when the front loop is closed, students may be dropped off along Delaware Street ONLY by approaching from Albemarle Street (the side closest to the school). Please be courteous and wait your turn to pull up to the curb (do not bypass cars which are still dropping off for the safety of everyone). Do not park your car in this area during morning drop off time.
Please cross Delaware Street at the crosswalk.
Afternoon Pickup
In the afternoon, parents who are picking up students may park along both sides of Delaware Street and meet their children outside. All students in grades 1-5 who are being picked up will exit the side door in the third grade wing to meet their parents. Montessori students and Kindergarten students will be exiting from the Arts Wing lobby door. Bus riders will be exiting from the front doors. Please do not double park or park illegally adjacent to the crosswalk as it creates a dangerous situation for children who are crossing.